Going Back to School with BARC

As the chill days of summer draw to a close, the excitement of a new school year begins. However, preparing for the upcoming academic year often feels overwhelming, especially when faced with the daunting list of supplies required by teachers while simultaneously wanting to make eco-friendly choices. Plus, procrastination can result in last-minute shopping sprees, unnecessary purchases, and waste.

Since school supplies typically end up in landfills after they are no longer in use, contributing to environmental degradation through deforestation and increased carbon emissions, we want to help you make more environmentally friendly choices! So, go back to school with BARC by reading this guide for tips on starting the school year off right. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or parent, this guide can help you no matter what grade lies ahead.

Shop Second Hand At Kaleva: A Sustainable Choice for Everyone

Before heading to major retailers, consider visiting your local second-hand shops or thrift stores. These stores often carry a wide variety of school supplies at significantly lower prices. If you’re in Northern Michigan, be sure to stop by the Kaleva Resale Shop. Here, you’ll find an extensive selection of school essentials, including crayons, notebooks, binders, and even small desks with kids chairs for at-home learning. We also offer a fantastic range of clothing for all ages, so you can start the school year in style. Additionally, we have home decorations, sheets, and more for dorm rooms and apartments perfect for college students looking to furnish their spaces affordably. Shopping second-hand not only saves money but also reduces waste and supports our initiatives.

Elementary and Middle School Eco Friendly Back To School Tips

As the new school year approaches, it’s a great time to embrace eco-friendly practices that can help reduce waste and teach your children the importance of sustainability.

Reuse and Repurpose Last Year’s Supplies

Before rushing to buy new supplies, take stock of what you already have. Reusing items like notebooks with unused pages, gently-used backpacks, and other supplies from last year can significantly reduce waste and save money. Ask friends and family if they have any school supplies they no longer need. You might be surprised by how many useful items you can gather without spending a dime.

Donate Unused or Unneeded Supplies

At the end of each school year, you may find yourself with items your children no longer need. Instead of letting them collect dust, consider donating these supplies. This allows other students to benefit from items that would otherwise go to waste and makes a positive impact on your community.

Opt for Eco-Friendly School Supplies

When new supplies are a must, choose non-toxic and eco-friendly options. Look for products made from recycled materials, such as notebooks, paper, and pencils. Sustainable and ethically-made backpacks and other school essentials are also excellent choices. These products not only help reduce your family’s carbon footprint but also support companies committed to environmentally-friendly practices.

Pack a Sustainable Lunch

Packing a homemade lunch not only promotes healthier eating habits but also reduces waste. Avoid pre-packaged meals that generate excess plastic waste. Use reusable lunch containers, cutlery, and water bottles to make your child’s lunch eco-friendly. This simple switch can significantly cut down on the amount of plastic waste produced each day.

Sustainable Ways to Prepare for Back-To-School: Highschool Edition

Buy Used or Digital Textbooks

Textbooks can be a significant expense. Opt for used textbooks, digital versions, or rental options to save money and resources. Selling used textbooks at the end of the year can also help other students avoid buying new ones.

Switch to a Reusable Water Bottle

Ditch single-use plastic water bottles and invest in a reusable one. With millions of plastic bottles discarded every minute, switching to a reusable bottle this school year is a simple yet effective way to reduce plastic pollution. Plus, you can cover them in fun stickers and art for a completely custom experience!

Rethink Your Commute

How you or your child get to school impacts your carbon footprint. Whenever possible, opt for environmentally friendly transportation options. Walking, biking, carpooling, or taking public transportation can significantly reduce your environmental impact.

Get Involved in Sustainability Efforts

Join your school’s environmental clubs, recycling programs, or volunteer with local organizations focused on sustainability. Engaging in these activities will help you learn more about living sustainably and connect you with others who share your passion for the planet. Plus, this is a great way to stand out on a college application!

Sustainable Ways to Prepare for Back-To-School: College Edition

Shop for Dorm Essentials Responsibly

Furnishing a dorm room can be expensive and wasteful if you buy everything new. Instead, visit thrift stores, online marketplaces, or campus exchange groups to find gently used items. This not only saves money but also reduces the demand for new products, helping to lower your environmental impact.

Plan Eco-Friendly Tailgates

College football season is synonymous with tailgating, which can generate a lot of waste. Opt for compostable plates, cups, and cutlery instead of disposables. Bring trash bags to clean up after the event and recycle whenever possible. Choosing locally-sourced food and drinks can also reduce your carbon footprint.

Embrace Digital Note-Taking

Reduce paper waste by using a tablet or laptop for note-taking. Many apps and programs are available that can help you stay organized and reduce the need for physical notebooks. Digital textbooks and resources are also a great way to minimize paper use.

Participate in Campus Sustainability Programs

Many colleges have sustainability initiatives and programs aimed at reducing the campus’s environmental impact. Get involved in these programs to learn more about sustainable living and make a difference in your college community.

With these tips, you can make a positive impact on the environment while preparing for a successful school year. Embrace sustainability, and let’s make this back-to-school season the greenest one yet!