As 2022 comes to a close, we’re moved to reflect on a year of growth with Bay Area Recycling for Community and the valuable lessons learned this year that we plan to carry forward into 2023 with your help.
First, a special THANK YOU to our loyal customers and supporters who go above and beyond to do the right thing for our community and our planet. And THANK YOU to the coworkers and colleagues that have put time, love, and energy into all of BARC’s programs throughout the years.
BARC’s mission to divert both hazardous and potentially valuable materials from the landfill is dirty, HARD work in an ever-changing landscape. Lifting roof trusses, sorting through food waste, ripping through layers of often soiled mattress material, separating wood from metal from glass from plastic — all to bring value to items that some would consider easier to “throw away.”
But at BARC, we don’t take the easy way out! From our co-workers, family members, supporters, customers, and volunteers, we’re determined to find solutions for hard-to-recycle items, by working together to make things better! We’ll go the extra mile and take the extra step (to the recycling bin), because we know that there is no “away” when you “throw something away”.
For the past 13 years, BARC has been working on advancing, piloting, and incubating innovative solutions for tough recycling problems. In that time of trial and error, we’ve learned volumes—often most meaningfully from what did not work. From these valuable lessons we’ve learned how to improve our processes, working conditions, and outcomes.
With your help, we’re ready to pour that experience and knowledge into 2023.

- Green Jobs created by BARC’s DE/RE Construction Program
- Compost Hauling for your favorite local restaurants.
- Rural Curbside Recycling services
- More Zero Waste community events
- Thousands of Mattresses transformed into reusable materials for a variety of industries