Harvesting Sustainability This Fall Season

As the air turns crisp and the leaves begin to change, the start of fall brings with it a season of true natural beauty here in Northern Michigan. Sunday, September 22 marks the first day of fall, and it’s the perfect time to consider how we can make the most of the season. From managing yard waste to sourcing local in-season produce, there are many ways to embrace Autumn while being mindful of the environment. Read this handy BARC guide to find out how to enjoy the fall season, sustainably.

Eco-Friendly Tips & Tricks For Autumn

Practicing Sustainable Yard Waste Management

The fall season comes with an abundance of yard waste as leaves drop off trees, branches find their way onto your lawn, and garden debris overflows. Instead of bagging everything up and sending it to the landfill, consider more sustainable methods. Mulching is an excellent way to recycle leaves and grass clippings. By shredding leaves and using them as mulch, you can protect your garden beds from the cold while returning valuable nutrients to the soil. Grass clippings can also be left on your lawn to decompose naturally, enriching the soil with organic matter.

Eco-Conscious Leaf Disposal: Schedule A Leaf Pick Up

As the vibrant fall foliage settles on the ground, it forms a beautiful yet sometimes overwhelming blanket of leaves. Instead of raking them into plastic bags, consider eco-friendly disposal options. Mowing over the leaves and letting them decompose on your lawn is an excellent way to create natural fertilizer, enriching your soil for a healthier yard. If this isn’t an option in your neighborhood, we also recommend scheduling a leaf pick up.

If you live in Northern Michigan and are interested in eco-friendly leaf removal, you are in luck! At Bay Area Recycling for Community, we offer leaf pickup services throughout the fall. Timothy, our leaf collection coordinator, will manage all pickups this season. Simply submit your request via the form on our website, and Timothy will follow up with pricing and scheduling details by email. Let’s work together to keep our environment green and clean this fall.

Composting: Fall Composting is Good for Spring Planting!

Fall is an ideal time to focus on composting. The abundance of fallen leaves, garden cuttings, and end-of-season fruits and vegetables provides ample material to build your compost pile. By starting or adding to a compost pile now, you’ll have nutrient-dense compost ready for spring planting.

When composting in the fall, be sure to balance your “greens” (kitchen scraps, grass clippings) and “browns” (leaves, twigs). The combination creates a healthy compost mix. Just make sure to keep the pile moist and turn it regularly to speed up decomposition. Not only does composting reduce waste, but it also enriches the soil, leading to healthier plants and less reliance on chemical fertilizers come spring.

Eat Seasonally: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Fall Favorites

Eating seasonally is not just about enjoying the freshest flavors, it’s also a powerful way to reduce your environmental impact. By choosing locally grown produce, you help minimize the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation, support local farmers, and embrace what the land naturally provides. If you live in Michigan, here is a handy guide for what to look for at your local farmers market in September, October, and November.

September: Transitioning from Summer to Fall

September is a time of abundance in Michigan, with summer crops still available alongside some delicious fall produce.

  • Apples: Crisp and varied, Michigan apples hit their peak in September. Perfect for everything from snacks to pies.
  • Pears: Juicy and sweet, these are excellent fresh or cooked into desserts.
  • Tomatoes: Still plentiful, tomatoes add brightness to late-summer salads and sauces.
  • Peppers: From sweet bells to spicy varieties, peppers are versatile and abundant.
  • Squash: Early varieties of winter squash, like acorn and butternut, start appearing.
  • Root Vegetables: Carrots, beets, and potatoes are at their best, ideal for roasting or stews.
  • Leafy Greens: Kale, spinach, and chard continue to thrive, adding a nutritious touch to meals.

October: The Heart of Autumn Harvest

October brings the true essence of fall with hearty vegetables and fruits that are perfect for warming, comforting dishes as the weather cools out.

  • Pumpkins: Perfect for both Halloween decoration and cooking, pumpkins are the staple of October.
  • Winter Squash: Butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash are fully in season in October, perfect for soups and roasts.
  • Brussels Sprouts: These little cabbages develop their best flavor after the first frost.
  • Cranberries: Tart and vibrant, cranberries are a seasonal treat, excellent for sauces and baking.
  • Cabbage: Versatile and robust, cabbage is great for slaws, soups, and fermenting.
  • Root Vegetables: Continue to shine, with parsnips joining the mix for rich, earthy flavors.

November: Preparing for Winter

As the days grow shorter and colder, November’s seasonal produce provides warmth and nourishment.

  • Potatoes: A Northern Michigan staple, potatoes are perfect for mashing, roasting, or in soups.
  • Turnips and Rutabagas: These hearty root vegetables add a depth of flavor to stews and casseroles.
  • Leeks: With their mild, onion-like flavor, leeks are ideal for soups and gratins.
  • Parsnips: Sweet and nutty, parsnips are great roasted or pureed.
  • Squash: All varieties of winter squash are still in season, providing versatile options for hearty dishes.
  • Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts: These cold-weather greens continue to be available, perfect for roasting or braising.

By choosing to eat seasonally in Northern Michigan, you’re making a positive impact on the environment. Local, in-season produce requires less energy to grow and transport, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, seasonal eating often supports smaller, local farms, which tend to use more sustainable farming practices!

Enjoy Nature: Hiking, Nature Walks, and Pumpkin Patches

Fall’s cooler temperatures make it an ideal time to get outdoors and enjoy nature. Whether it’s hiking through the woods, taking a nature walk, or visiting a local pumpkin patch, there are plenty of ways to experience the season sustainably. When enjoying these activities, be mindful of your impact on the environment. Stick to marked trails, avoid disturbing wildlife, and take any trash with you to leave nature as you found it.

Enjoy Eco-Friendly Fall Events

Fall is also a time for community events that celebrate the season. From beer festivals, football games, local markets, and end of summer activities, getting involved is always a great idea. We highly recommend checking out our website event calendar for ideas on zero waste events happening this fall throughout Northern Michigan.

Fall is arguably Michigan’s best season, offering a perfect opportunity to embrace sustainable practices. By managing yard waste responsibly, eating seasonally, attending zero waste events, and enjoying nature mindfully, you can make the most of this beautiful season while minimizing your environmental impact. As you participate in fall activities and events, remember that small actions can have a big impact on our planet. Happy Fall!