From Charities to Community? Why the name change, BARC?

When Andy Gale founded Bay Area Recycling for Charities (BARC) in 2008, he envisioned a recycling business model that would generate enough surplus revenue to consistently donate back to other local “charities” or nonprofits. His heart has always been in the right place, but the consistent generation of surplus revenue through recycling has proven to be a very real challenge.

So, instead of monetary donations, BARC has been making in-kind donations of goods and services to local nonprofits to fulfill the “for charities” part of the name. From recycling and composting services to zero-waste event management and compostable service ware, BARC has happily supported our community’s nonprofits’ fundraising events, operational costs, and more.

While BARC will always strive to collaborate and partner with other nonprofits, the time has come to ask if the previous model and name is serving our mission.

BARC now stands for Bay Area Recycling for Community

BARC serves the “charitable purpose of preserving and protecting the environment for the benefit of the public” which earns us our 501(c)(3) tax status through the IRS.

The name Bay Area Recycling for Community acknowledges that BARC works for the betterment of the community by serving first and foremost our own mission of diverting potentially valuable resources and harmful materials from the landfills to help combat pollution, reduce greenhouse gasses like methane and carbon dioxide, and contribute to a circular economy.

Conveniently, our acronym remains unchanged! You can still find us at and reach us for questions or comments at